Close Your Eyes
Writer, curator and publisher Bruno Ceschel talks to artist Gareth McConnell about his recently published book, CLOSE YOUR EYES.
BRUNO CESCHEL: Both you are I were part of the 90s rave scene in England: you got involved from the very beginning of it, after leaving Ireland and moving here to pursue a career as a photographer, and I came to study in London at the end of the decade from a small town in Italy.
The first time you showed me CLOSE YOUR EYES and what you were experimenting with, these images – composed, distorted, collaged and trippy for want of better words – transported my mind back to those times I spent dancing to techno trance, and believing the world was an amazing and colourful promised land. Your images activated not so much memories but feelings, like something was chemically stimulated in some forgotten place of my brain. It was like being high on optimism, hope, and youth.